
Providing a highly competitive academic program and supporting our students within it is the foundation upon which we have become known as one of Maine’s premier academic institutions. Through the supports of the learning center, the math lab, and the advisor program, students are monitored at all times to ensure they are on track to achieve their post-secondary goals.


Course Offerings

To realize the educational and career potential and goals of its students, Erskine Academy presents a comprehensive range of courses and preparation programs from Advanced Placement to career and vocational training.

The academic program is structured on a block schedule consisting of four 80-minute classes, which meet every other day. AP courses are offered in: English Language & Composition, English Literature & Composition, U.S. History, Physics C, Chemistry, Biology, Calculus AB, Statistics, Spanish, Studio Art and Psychology. AP is an open-enrollment program. Honors-level courses are offered in freshman and sophomore English, Social Studies, Science, and Math courses. In addition, Erskine offers Spanish, German and French. Dual enrollment courses are offered in: English Composition, Public Speaking, College Algebra, Anatomy & Physiology, Psychology, Spanish, Introduction to Sports Management, US History, Introduction to Literature and Essentials of Watching Films.

A rigorous and relevant program of studies, with high standards for teaching and learning, provides students with knowledge and skills for success in high school and beyond.

A 12:1 student-to-teacher ratio ensures small class sizes and maximal learning opportunities.

Staff & Faculty

Extensively trained and highly qualified, Erskine Academy’s professional staff members are committed to the success of their students. Erskine Academy’s faculty members are known for their knowledge, compassion, and desire to see students succeed, and at 12-to-1, Erskine Academy’s student-to-teacher ratio ensures small class sizes and maximal learning opportunities. EA teachers not only learn their students’ names but also get to know about their lives. The small student-to-teacher ratio enables teachers and students to form relationships that carry on well after graduation.



The Guidance Office staff at Erskine Academy is committed to providing a friendly and helpful atmosphere and is available to assist students, parents, and alumni.

The two counselors, Marc Cote and Amanda Neagle, work with students individually, in small groups, and in the classroom. Mr. Cote and Mrs. Neagle assist with course selection and scheduling concerns, educational and career planning, college applications, decision-making, and personal issues. It is our hope that the supportive, comfortable atmosphere we attempt to provide will encourage all students to take advantage of these many services.

The Guidance Office can help students investigate their options whether their goal is to further their education at a community college or university, pursue a career in the military, or immediately move into the work world. We encourage every student and parent to stop by the Guidance Office and utilize our resources at any time.

Marc Cote, Guidance Counselor: Last names A-K

Amanda Neagle, Guidance Counselor: Last names L-Z

Susan Beckwith, Substance Abuse/Mental Health Counselor
Julie Wing, Registrar/Guidance Administrative Assistant

Jenny Sutter, Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Headmaster & Activities Administrator


    Students are required to enroll in the equivalent of 6 credits per year and earn 22 credits to meet minimum graduation standards, which must include:

    • 4 English Credits
    • 3 Math Credits
    • 3 Science Credits (one must be Biology, one must be Physical Science)
    • 3 Social Studies Credits (one must be U.S. History)
    • 1 Fine Art Credit
    • .666 Health Credit

    Rank in Class

    Erskine Academy has a weighted system for determining Rank in Class. There are six course levels:  AP, Honors, Academic, Electives, Special Education, and Summer School. Rank in Class is determined by factoring the level of the class, course credit and the student’s earned grade in the course. The Rank in Class is calculated at the end of each trimester. During the student’s senior year, the final Rank in Class is figured at the end of the 2nd trimester which determines the top ten seniors.

    Letter - Equivalent - GP Value

    A+ 98 - 100 4.000

    A 95 - 97 4.000

    A- 93 - 94 3.670

    B+ 91 - 92 3.330

    B 87 - 90 3.000

    B- 85 - 86 2.670

    C+ 83 - 84 2.330

    C 78 - 82 2.000

    C- 76 - 77 1.670

    D+ 74 - 75 1.330

    D 72 - 73 1.000

    D- 70 - 71 0.670

    High Honors = 93+ average without any Ds

    General Honors = 85+ average without any Ds

    Failing = Below 70

    Grade reports are issued three times each school year at the end of each 12-week trimester.


    The Erskine Academy Handbook sets forth the expectations and policies of Erskine Academy and is provided for informational purposes. It is a guide to help parents and students understand what is expected of Erskine students and what you can reasonably expect from the school. This handbook outlines the traditions and values of Erskine Academy and its curricular and extracurricular programs. It also details policies and procedures related to academics, student responsibilities, safety, athletics, discipline, and other topics.


    We’ve compiled a small list of resources that could be helpful as you begin exploring your options after Erskine Academy. Browse our collection of helpful links below:


    Please visit this page often, as the scholarship list below is continuously updated and check out  The Best Scholarship Search Platforms.

    Completing a FAFSA application is the most important thing seniors can do to get financial aid for college, and they and their families can find more FAFSA information and tips by visiting Both juniors and seniors looking for college scholarships and college planning help can use the following free tools:


Community Service

At Erskine Academy, community service is woven into the fabric of our student life. We believe that giving back not only enriches the lives of others but also fosters empathy and leadership skills in our students. Together, we make a positive impact on our communities while growing as individuals.


    • Community Service for non-profit organizations. A non-profit organization is operated primarily for scientific, educational, service, charitable, or similar purposes in the public interest; is not organized primarily for profit; and uses its net proceeds to maintain, improve, and/or expand its operations.
    • Community service done through school organizations before/after school hours (IOC, Future Business Leaders of America, LEO Club, Student Council, EA Theatre Club).
    • Community service done during summer vacations, weekends, and school vacations.
    • Community service hours will be accepted after graduation from 8th grade.
    • Community Service done through medical care facilities (nursing homes, hospitals, respite work for the elderly).
    • Community Service done during school hours which has been authorized through administration.

    • Work performed during school hours through school organizations that are service-based.
    • Court-ordered community service.
    • Performances where admission is charged.
    • Rehearsal time or work completed as part of a class fundraiser.
    • Work performed for compensation.
    • Work that is not documented.
    • Work done for a relative.

    • Documentation of hours should be submitted within a year of the date community service was performed.
    • Students must have a Community Service Validation Form completed, signed, and returned to receive credit for the hours.
    • Community Service Validation Forms are available from Guidance and Renaissance Committee members.
    • All awards are based on the Committee’s review of the submitted forms.
    Service Validation Form

Colleges Attended by Graduates

The Class of 2023 included 123 graduates.

Percentage Attending: 4-yr college = 37%; 2-yr college = 44%; Certificate Program = 2%; Military = 0%; Employment = 17%; Other = 0%

Some of the many excellent colleges and universities Erskine graduates attend:

  • Full List of Colleges

    Anna Maria College

    Arizona State University

    Bentley College

    Boston College

    Boston University

    Bowdoin College

    Brandeis University

    Champlain College

    Clarion University

    Clark University

    Clarkson University

    Colby College

    Colby-Sawyer College

    Cornell University

    Dartmouth University

    Davidson College

    Elmira College

    Emmanuel College

    Fitchburg State College

    Franklin Pierce College

    Geneva College

    Gordon College

    High Point University

    Husson University

    Ithaca College

    Maine College of Art

    Maine Community Colleges

    Manhattanville College

    Marne Maritime Academy

    Mass. College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences

    Massachusetts College of Art

    New England Institute of Art

    Middle Tennessee State University

    New England Institute of Technology

    Northeastern University

    Norwich University

    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

    Rhode Island School of Design

    Rochester Institute of Technology

    Stony Brook University

    Salem State University

    Smith College

    St. Anselm College

    Stonehill College

    St. Joseph's College

    Suffolk University

    The Art Institute

    Thomas College

    Tufts University

    Unity College

    Universal Technical Institute

    University of Maine System

    University of Massachusetts

    University of New England

    University of Rochester

    University of Washington at Seattle

    Wentworth Institute of Technology

    Worcester Polytechnic Institute

    Western New England University


JMG partners with Maine’s public middle and high schools, community colleges, and our university system to help students reach their fullest potential. JMG serves more than 6,500 students in communities throughout all of Maine’s 16 counties.

JMG is the only nonprofit in Maine offering a continuum of support to help students transition from middle school through high school graduation, onto post-secondary education through degree attainment and connections to successful career pathways.

JMG at the Maine 2020 Winter Special Olympics at Sugarloaf.

    JMG programs are hosted within Maine’s public schools, and classes and year-round activities are led by JMG Specialists who serve as mentors and educators. Specialists are able to develop student-centered, personalized education plans, delivered through a competency-based curriculum focusing on academic knowledge, career development skills, leadership, and teamwork.

    JMG increases high school graduation rates, college retention, and degree attainment. It prepares students for successful careers after graduation by helping them overcome academic, financial, and social barriers. It empowers Maine students and models Maine’s next generation of young leaders, providing them with a toolbox of skills, knowledge, and best practices that they can use throughout their lives to achieve self-sufficiency, pursue their aspirations, and attain success. Each JMG student leaves the classroom with pride, direction, and a clearer sense of what they want out of life and how they are going to achieve it.

    JMG’s unique connections to Maine businesses are an important part of achieving successful results on behalf of our students. By visiting our classrooms, hosting job shadows and internships, and volunteering at student enrichment events, JMG’s more than 200 business partners help to expose students to Maine’s diverse network of employers and career opportunities.

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