Choosing a high school, the right high school, is among the most important decisions that you will make concerning your future. Your interest in Erskine Academy is appreciated and important to us. We are eager to provide you with more information about us, answers to your questions, and assistance when applying to join us at Erskine Academy.
Headmaster: Jamie L. Soule
Assistant Headmaster: John W. Clark, Jr.
Erskine Academy
309 Windsor Road
South China, ME 04358-5118
Administrative Assistant to Headmaster: Heide Hotham
Main Office Tel: (207) 445-2962 x1130
Main Office Fax: (207) 445-5520
Julie Wing
Guidance Office Tel: (207) 445-2964
Guidance Office Fax: (207) 445-5520
Business Director:
Cheryl York
Business Office Tel: (207) 445-4026
Business Office Fax: (207) 445-5945
Activities Administrator: Chuck Karter
Athletics Office Tel: (207) 445-2962 x1126
Athletics Office Fax: (207) 445-5520
Administrative Assistant: Amy Rau
Alumni Office Tel: (207) 445-4026
Alumni Office Fax: (207) 445-5945