
Since its inception, Erskine Academy has been, and continues to be, an independent high school option for any qualified student who can benefit from the established school program. Erskine Academy admits interested day, commuter, and international students.

Communities We Serve

Historically and today, Erskine Academy serves eight sending communities—school choice towns—that tuition their students for secondary school services. The academy has long been recognized and praised for its heritage of delivering a private school education to public school students who otherwise would not have the opportunity. In addition to serving the area youth and families from Chelsea, China, Jefferson, Palermo, Somerville, Vassalboro, Whitefield, and Windsor, Maine, the Academy admits private pay students and an international student population.

For local day students, EA sends a representative to eight area municipalities and also works with individual students to gather the materials necessary for consideration. For boarding students, we are available throughout the year to assist you with your admissions questions and process. Your enrollment is of the highest importance to us, so all admissions inquiries are funneled to the offices of the Headmasters, who are happy to discuss your potential enrollment into the Academy.

Your enrollment is of the highest importance to us!

Apply Today!

Erskine Academy serves eight sending communities—school choice towns—that tuition their students for secondary school services

Domestic Students

Students who are presently in the eighth grade are invited to attend Erskine Academy’s Annual Informational Open House held in the spring. Course description guides and student course request forms will be available at this time.

Admission Contacts

  • Students who are unable to attend the Informational Open House may contact guidance counselor Marc Cote to obtain the necessary registration packet.
  • Students wishing to transfer to Erskine Academy from another high school or a home-schooled environment should contact John Clark, Assistant Headmaster, to schedule an interview.

Questions concerning registration materials should be directed to:

Mr. Marc Cote, Erskine Academy Guidance Office
309 Windsor Road
South China, ME 04358
Tel: (207) 445-2964


This school is authorized under Federal law to enroll nonimmigrant students.

International Students

Erskine Academy, Maine’s second-largest independent academy, is committed to assisting you in achieving your goals. Through Erskine’s rigorous academic preparation you will be prepared to enroll in the country’s top academic colleges and universities. To best ensure Erskine Academy is the best academic fit for candidates, EA carefully reviews the academic background of and references for each applicant to ensure their academic preparation and achievement closely aligns with the requirements within EA’s program. Personal interviews on campus or via Skype are required as they give Erskine Academy administrators a better opportunity to get to know each applicant’s motivation and aspiration.

International Student Application
  • Admissions Requirements

    Admission to Erskine Academy is based upon the candidate’s school record, application essay, and standardized testing scores on the TOEFL and the SSAT. A campus visit and interview are highly recommended for all applicants although Skype interviews can be arranged for candidates who are unable to visit in person. Please call the Admissions Office at 207-445-2962 to arrange a campus tour and personal interview.

    Please mail the application and materials to:

    John Clark, Assistant Headmaster

    Erskine Academy

    309 Windsor Road

    South China, ME 04358

  • Admission Policy

    Erskine Academy admits students of any race, religion, gender, national origin, or sexual orientation in all the rights, privileges, programs and activities available to students at the school. Erskine Academy does not discriminate in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, financial aid, or any other programs administered by the school.

  • International Tuition & Fees

    These fees are subject to change annually.

    Tuition:  $36,000

    This fee includes tuition, book rental, activity fee, basic school-day infirmary services, transportation to and from school, and access to regular school activities.  Tuition may be made in two installments – first payment due by August 15 and second payment due by December 1.

    Boarding:  $8,000

    This fee includes housing and three meals daily.

    Enrollment Deposit:  $3,000

    International student enrollment is classified as accepted and reserved upon the receipt of a signed contract and full payment of the non-refundable enrollment deposit.  The enrollment deposit is credited to the first trimester’s tuition bill.  Enrollment deposits are due two weeks following notification of acceptance.

    Emergency Resource Fund/Security Deposit:  $1,500

    This reimbursable fee covers costs not associated with tuition such as: lost books or materials, damage to school or housing properties, emergency expenses, college admissions exams such as the SAT and TOEFL, and college entrance exam preparation courses.  This fund will be set in escrow with all unused funds being returned to the family at the end of the school year.  School officials may request additional funding for this account if the balance falls below an acceptable level suitable for covering future expenses.

    Tuition Reimbursement Insurance:  $2,500

    This optional fee is assessed annually and covers prorated tuition reimbursement for unforeseen circumstances that cause a student to leave Erskine Academy before the end of the school year.

    Student Injury Insurance and Sickness Plan:  $2,495

    Out of concern for the health and welfare of all our students, Erskine Academy requires that every student be covered by a comprehensive injury and sickness plan, one that meets the high cost of medical services and is accepted by local providers and practitioners.  (Families may be reimbursed for this fee if proof of an alternative/comparable policy is provided).

    To request more information, please contact us.

    Contact Us
  • Homestay Program

    Homestay is a wonderful opportunity for international students to engage in American culture and learn English directly from an English-speaking family.  While attending Erskine Academy, international students will live in the home of a local family.  By taking part in the daily activities of American life, a student gains special insight into the host country’s society through experiencing traditional routines, customs, and values.

    Homestay parents commit to looking after an international student as if they were their own child. Doing so not only requires a commitment of time and energy but also a financial one. To offset the expenses incurred by a host family, Erskine Academy provides an $800 monthly stipend.

    If you are interested in hosting, contact Mr. John Clark.

  • International Student Forms

    For your convenience, we’ve compiled a list of forms that should be completed and returned to Erskine Academy for international applicants.

    Please print and return completed forms to:  

    Erskine Academy

    309 Windsor Road

    South China, ME   04358

    Google Drive Folder

Through Erskine’s rigorous academic preparation you will be prepared to enroll in the country’s top academic colleges and universities.

Special Education

Erskine Academy offers a comprehensive Resource Room program staffed by three special education teachers and two educational technician IIIs to serve students with identified learning disabilities. The main goal of this program is to assist students in the area(s) of their identified disability so that they may benefit from the course offerings at Erskine. This special education service is a positive, motivational approach that encourages and supports students to realize their full potential, which is achieved through an appropriate Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and proper placement in mainstream classes. The IEP Team meets at least once during the academic year to review each student’s progress. Erskine Academy has three dedicated Special Education teachers supported by two education technicians.

Child Find for Special Education Eligibility

In accordance with the special education regulations of the State of Maine, each sending school administrative unit is responsible for identifying, locating, and evaluating all students within its jurisdiction who are in need of special education and supportive services, including students with disabilities attending private schools and home schools, regardless of the severity of their disabilities. This Child Find responsibility shall be accomplished through a unit-wide process which, while not a definitive or final judgment of a student’s capabilities or disability, is a possible indicator of special education needs. Each sending administrative unit shall ensure that all resident and other eligible students, including students who are enrolled in private schools or home schools, highly mobile students (migrant or homeless), students incarcerated in county jails and who are suspected of being a student with a disability and in need of special education even though they are advancing from grade to grade, are identified, located, and evaluated.

All students enrolled in the public schools of the unit or educated at public expense of the sending unit shall be identified, located, and evaluated. A unit that tuitions (on a tuition or contract basis) some or all of its students is responsible for child find either through appropriate arrangements with the receiving unit or school or through direct child find services by unit personnel or contracted personnel. Erskine Academy assists sending units’ Child Find obligations by screening all records of incoming students to gain knowledge of the needs of all enrolled students. Although this screening is informative and thorough, it is not intended to replace the sending school unit’s Child Find procedures.

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